Toxicología del Glifosato: Riesgos para la salud humana 3ra
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Toxicología del Glifosato: Riesgos para la salud humana 3ra
Merece ser examinado un riesgo adicional para la salud humana planteado por la utilización de este tipo de herbicidas en base al glifosato: nuestra sociedad no ha desarrollado ninguna política o aparato para restringir efectivamente la competitiva carrera biotecnológica, o para regular apropiadamente sus productos o para guiarlos hacia rumbos más seguros o productivos. Esta deficiencia se relaciona también con la falta de criterio científico en la toma de decisiones y en el establecimiento de estándares en la reglamentación sobre bioseguridad. Es el riesgo sanitario resultante de la estrategia implementada por la industria de la transgénesis (basada en la ingeniería genética) para minimizar en el público los miedos ante los diversos riesgos aquí analizados y lograr rápidamente que la gente se acostumbre a comer alimentos transgénicos, una estrategia que en Argentina hoy se materializa bajo la forma de un plan denominado "Soja Solidaria".
Junto con la ayuda alimentaria de enormes raciones de soja elaborada como milanesa, hamburguesa, albóndiga, fideo, raviol, leche, yogur, y queso "de soja", ahora, casi 17 millones de argentinos empobrecidos y hambrientos también recibirán su dosis masiva de glifosato.... La implacable estrategia comercial de la industria nos permite anticipar cómo ésta visualiza su camino hacia un próspero futuro.... a costa de la salud de millones de personas ni siquiera todavía informadas de la existencia de este tipo de productos.
1. Lennart Hardell, M.D., PhD. Department of Oncology, Orebro Medical Centre, Orebro, Sweden and Miikael Eriksson, M.D., PhD, Department of Oncology, University Hospital, Lund, Sweden, 'A Case-Control Study of Non-Hodgkin Lymphoma and Exposure to Pesticides', Cancer, March 15, 1999/ Volume 85/ Number 6.
2. Hardell L, Sandström A. Case-control study: soft-tissue sarcomas and exposure to phenoxyacetic acids or chlorophenols. Br J Cancer 1979;39(6):711-7.
3. Eriksson M, Hardell L, Berg NO, Möller T, Axelson O. Soft-tissue sarcomas and exposure to chemical substances: a case-referent study. Br J Ind Med 1981;38(1):27-33.
4. Hardell L, Eriksson M. The association between soft tissue sarcomas and exposure to phenoxyacetic acids: a new case-referent study. Cancer 1988;62(3):652-6.
5. Morrison HI, Wilkins K, Semenciw R, Mao Y, Wigle D. Herbicides and cancer. J Natl Cancer Inst 1992;84(24):1866-74.
6. ENDS Environment Daily. Environmental Data Services Ltd, London.
8. E X T O X N E T, Extension Toxicology Network, Pesticide Information Profiles Glyphosate, Cooperative Extension Offices of Cornell University, Oregon State University, the University of Idaho, and the University of California at Davis and the Institute for Environmental Toxicology, Michigan State University. Revised June 1996.
10. Roundup Herbicide Safety Debated in Denmark.htm
11. Cortina, Germán D. Evaluación del impacto mutagénico del glifosato en cultivos de linfocitos. Fundación Esawá. Florencia, Caquetá. 13 p.
12. Cox, Caroline. Glyphosate, Part 1: Toxicology. En: Journal of Pesticides Reform, Volume 15, Number 3, Fall 1995. Northwest Coalition for Alternatives to Pesticides, Eugene, OR. USA. 13 p.
13. Cox, Caroline. Glyphosate, Part 2: Human exposure and ecological effects. En: Journal of Pesticides Reform, Volume 15, Number 4, Winter 1995. Northwest Coalition for Alternatives to Pesticides, Eugene, OR. USA. 14 p.
14. Cox, Caroline. Glyphosate (Roundup). Herbicide Factsheet. En: Journal of Pesticides Reform / Fall 1998. Vol 18, N° 3 Updated 11/98. Northwest Coalition for Alternatives to Pesticides, Eugene, OR. USA.
15. Dinham, Barbara.Resistance to glyphosate. En: Pesticides News 41: 5, September 1998. The Pesticides Trust. PAN-Europe. London, UK.
16. Dinham, Barbara. "Life sciences" take over. En: Pesticides News 44: 7, June 1999. The Pesticides Trust. PAN-Europe. London, UK.
17. Meister, Richard. 1995 Farm Chemicals Handbook. Meister Publishing Company. Willoughby, USA. 922 p.
18. EPA. Technical Fact Sheets on: Glyphosate. National Primary Drinking Water Regulations.
19. U.S. Department of Agriculture, Forest Service by Information Ventures, Inc. Glyphosate, Pesticide Fact Sheets. November 1995.
20. Guidelines for drinking-water quality, 2nd ed. Addendum to Vol. 2. Health criteria and other supporting information. Geneva, World Health Organization, 1998. pp. 219-227.
21. Pesticide Impacts on Human Health. Report of a Panel on the Relationship between Public Exposure to Pesticides and Cancer. Len Ritter for the Ad Hoc Panel on Pesticides and Cancer. Canadian Network of Toxicology Centres, Guelph, Ontario, Canada. Cancer 80:1887-8, 1997.
22. Commentary on "Pesticide on Food 'Almost No' Cancer Danger" Charles Benbrook November 15, 1997.
23. Petition for determination of nonregulated status of soybeans with a Roundup Ready gene. Agricultural Group of Monsanto to APHIS, USDA, 1993.
24. Active Ingredient Fact Sheet: Glyphosate. Pesticide News 33 pp28-29, September 1996.
25. "Pesticide pollution is linked to cancer" The Times (London) Nick Nuttall Environment Correspondent December 17, 1999.
26. "Pesticide Exposure Could Boost Risk of Miscarriage" Cat Lazaroff, Environment News Service (ENS) CHAPEL HILL, North Carolina, February 19, 2001 (ENS).
27. Political Perspective on the Use of Pesticides. December 1, 1997, Fort Bragg City Council Meeting, By Dr. Marc Lappé.
28. CORRALLING ROUNDUP® by Marc Lappé, Ph.D (July 24, 1996).
29. Chemical Profile for GLYPHOSATE (CAS Number: 1071-83-6). Environmental Defense, 2002
30. Benbrook CM. What we know, don't know and need to know about pesticide residues in food: In: Tweedy BG, Dishburger HJ, Ballantine LG, McCarthy J, editors. Pesticide residues and food safety: a harvest of viewpoints.Washington DC: American Chemical Society, 1991.
31. Glyphosate Pathway Map, Robyn Wiersema, Michael A. Burns and Doug Hershberger, July 05, 2000 University of Minnesota.
32. ISIS Report, 1 August 2002, Acrylamide In Cooked Foods: The Glyphosate Connection, Prof. Joe Cummins,
33. Weiss G. Acrylamide in food: Uncharted territory. Science 2002, 297,27.
34. Smith E, Prues S and Ochme F. Environmental degradation of polyacrylamides:Effect of artificial environmental conditions. Ecotoxicology and Environmental Safety 1996, 35,121-
35. Smith E, Prues S and Ochme F. Environmental degradation of polyacrylamides: II Effects of outdoor exposure. Ecotoxicology and Environmetal Safety 1997, 37,76-91.
* Dr. Jorge Kaczewer
Universidad Nacional de Buenos Aires
Merece ser examinado un riesgo adicional para la salud humana planteado por la utilización de este tipo de herbicidas en base al glifosato: nuestra sociedad no ha desarrollado ninguna política o aparato para restringir efectivamente la competitiva carrera biotecnológica, o para regular apropiadamente sus productos o para guiarlos hacia rumbos más seguros o productivos. Esta deficiencia se relaciona también con la falta de criterio científico en la toma de decisiones y en el establecimiento de estándares en la reglamentación sobre bioseguridad. Es el riesgo sanitario resultante de la estrategia implementada por la industria de la transgénesis (basada en la ingeniería genética) para minimizar en el público los miedos ante los diversos riesgos aquí analizados y lograr rápidamente que la gente se acostumbre a comer alimentos transgénicos, una estrategia que en Argentina hoy se materializa bajo la forma de un plan denominado "Soja Solidaria".
Junto con la ayuda alimentaria de enormes raciones de soja elaborada como milanesa, hamburguesa, albóndiga, fideo, raviol, leche, yogur, y queso "de soja", ahora, casi 17 millones de argentinos empobrecidos y hambrientos también recibirán su dosis masiva de glifosato.... La implacable estrategia comercial de la industria nos permite anticipar cómo ésta visualiza su camino hacia un próspero futuro.... a costa de la salud de millones de personas ni siquiera todavía informadas de la existencia de este tipo de productos.
1. Lennart Hardell, M.D., PhD. Department of Oncology, Orebro Medical Centre, Orebro, Sweden and Miikael Eriksson, M.D., PhD, Department of Oncology, University Hospital, Lund, Sweden, 'A Case-Control Study of Non-Hodgkin Lymphoma and Exposure to Pesticides', Cancer, March 15, 1999/ Volume 85/ Number 6.
2. Hardell L, Sandström A. Case-control study: soft-tissue sarcomas and exposure to phenoxyacetic acids or chlorophenols. Br J Cancer 1979;39(6):711-7.
3. Eriksson M, Hardell L, Berg NO, Möller T, Axelson O. Soft-tissue sarcomas and exposure to chemical substances: a case-referent study. Br J Ind Med 1981;38(1):27-33.
4. Hardell L, Eriksson M. The association between soft tissue sarcomas and exposure to phenoxyacetic acids: a new case-referent study. Cancer 1988;62(3):652-6.
5. Morrison HI, Wilkins K, Semenciw R, Mao Y, Wigle D. Herbicides and cancer. J Natl Cancer Inst 1992;84(24):1866-74.
6. ENDS Environment Daily. Environmental Data Services Ltd, London.
8. E X T O X N E T, Extension Toxicology Network, Pesticide Information Profiles Glyphosate, Cooperative Extension Offices of Cornell University, Oregon State University, the University of Idaho, and the University of California at Davis and the Institute for Environmental Toxicology, Michigan State University. Revised June 1996.
10. Roundup Herbicide Safety Debated in Denmark.htm
11. Cortina, Germán D. Evaluación del impacto mutagénico del glifosato en cultivos de linfocitos. Fundación Esawá. Florencia, Caquetá. 13 p.
12. Cox, Caroline. Glyphosate, Part 1: Toxicology. En: Journal of Pesticides Reform, Volume 15, Number 3, Fall 1995. Northwest Coalition for Alternatives to Pesticides, Eugene, OR. USA. 13 p.
13. Cox, Caroline. Glyphosate, Part 2: Human exposure and ecological effects. En: Journal of Pesticides Reform, Volume 15, Number 4, Winter 1995. Northwest Coalition for Alternatives to Pesticides, Eugene, OR. USA. 14 p.
14. Cox, Caroline. Glyphosate (Roundup). Herbicide Factsheet. En: Journal of Pesticides Reform / Fall 1998. Vol 18, N° 3 Updated 11/98. Northwest Coalition for Alternatives to Pesticides, Eugene, OR. USA.
15. Dinham, Barbara.Resistance to glyphosate. En: Pesticides News 41: 5, September 1998. The Pesticides Trust. PAN-Europe. London, UK.
16. Dinham, Barbara. "Life sciences" take over. En: Pesticides News 44: 7, June 1999. The Pesticides Trust. PAN-Europe. London, UK.
17. Meister, Richard. 1995 Farm Chemicals Handbook. Meister Publishing Company. Willoughby, USA. 922 p.
18. EPA. Technical Fact Sheets on: Glyphosate. National Primary Drinking Water Regulations.
19. U.S. Department of Agriculture, Forest Service by Information Ventures, Inc. Glyphosate, Pesticide Fact Sheets. November 1995.
20. Guidelines for drinking-water quality, 2nd ed. Addendum to Vol. 2. Health criteria and other supporting information. Geneva, World Health Organization, 1998. pp. 219-227.
21. Pesticide Impacts on Human Health. Report of a Panel on the Relationship between Public Exposure to Pesticides and Cancer. Len Ritter for the Ad Hoc Panel on Pesticides and Cancer. Canadian Network of Toxicology Centres, Guelph, Ontario, Canada. Cancer 80:1887-8, 1997.
22. Commentary on "Pesticide on Food 'Almost No' Cancer Danger" Charles Benbrook November 15, 1997.
23. Petition for determination of nonregulated status of soybeans with a Roundup Ready gene. Agricultural Group of Monsanto to APHIS, USDA, 1993.
24. Active Ingredient Fact Sheet: Glyphosate. Pesticide News 33 pp28-29, September 1996.
25. "Pesticide pollution is linked to cancer" The Times (London) Nick Nuttall Environment Correspondent December 17, 1999.
26. "Pesticide Exposure Could Boost Risk of Miscarriage" Cat Lazaroff, Environment News Service (ENS) CHAPEL HILL, North Carolina, February 19, 2001 (ENS).
27. Political Perspective on the Use of Pesticides. December 1, 1997, Fort Bragg City Council Meeting, By Dr. Marc Lappé.
28. CORRALLING ROUNDUP® by Marc Lappé, Ph.D (July 24, 1996).
29. Chemical Profile for GLYPHOSATE (CAS Number: 1071-83-6). Environmental Defense, 2002
30. Benbrook CM. What we know, don't know and need to know about pesticide residues in food: In: Tweedy BG, Dishburger HJ, Ballantine LG, McCarthy J, editors. Pesticide residues and food safety: a harvest of viewpoints.Washington DC: American Chemical Society, 1991.
31. Glyphosate Pathway Map, Robyn Wiersema, Michael A. Burns and Doug Hershberger, July 05, 2000 University of Minnesota.
32. ISIS Report, 1 August 2002, Acrylamide In Cooked Foods: The Glyphosate Connection, Prof. Joe Cummins,
33. Weiss G. Acrylamide in food: Uncharted territory. Science 2002, 297,27.
34. Smith E, Prues S and Ochme F. Environmental degradation of polyacrylamides:Effect of artificial environmental conditions. Ecotoxicology and Environmental Safety 1996, 35,121-
35. Smith E, Prues S and Ochme F. Environmental degradation of polyacrylamides: II Effects of outdoor exposure. Ecotoxicology and Environmetal Safety 1997, 37,76-91.
* Dr. Jorge Kaczewer
Universidad Nacional de Buenos Aires
dayrdan- Cantidad de envíos : 1897
Fecha de inscripción : 07/12/2007
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